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Webinars/Training Resources

Provider Express offers informational webinars and training resources for current and potential Provider Express users and/or the entire Optum Network to learn more about how to use the website, and other topics that could be vital to your practice. The topics and audience vary, so we invite you to come back to see what is coming up.

Click on a tab below to view specific information on each topic.

In alphabetical order:

Approaches to Trauma-Informed Care and Services Webinar Series

Please join us for the three-part educational series Approaches to Trauma-Informed Care and Services. Each on-demand presentation will address a topic relevant to child welfare. The series is intended for physicians, nurses, behavioral health clinicians and therapists, social workers (all practice types), peer support specialists, foster parents, residential placement staff and others who have an interest in topics relevant to child welfare.

Earn up to 3 CE credits FREE

Building Trauma-Informed Services and Supports for Children, Families and Foster Caregivers Involved with the Child Welfare System
Course description and registration here

Psychotropic Medications: Keeping Kids Safe                 
Course description and registration here

A System of Care Approach for the Child Welfare Practitioner Community
Course description and registration here

                                                                                Click on the image at right to download webinar series PDF >>

Are you ready for the ICD-10-CM Change?

Are you ready for the ICD-10-CM Change?

Click on the image to view a pre-recorded ICD-10-CM Presentation

Iowa Claims Training for Behavioral Health Providers

Louisiana Non-Licensed Behavioral Health Provider Training

Non-licensed behavioral health providers are required by the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to complete standard basic training courses. The required trainings are posted below.


Upon completion of the trainings, please save, sign and email the attestation below to A copy of this signed letter of attestation will be maintained in your provider record as verification of completion.

Missouri HealthNet Behavioral Health Provider Training

Click image to play video

Working with HealthNet and
Optum/UnitedHealthcare Community Plan

Optum is contracted with UnitedHealthcare Community Plan to administer the behavioral health portion of the Missouri HealthNet program beginning on May 1st, 2017. This includes both mental health and substance use disorders. Total runtime of training: 25:04.

On-Demand Integrated Care Training for Psychiatrists

Click image above for more information

As part of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative (TCPI), the American Psychiatric Association in partnership with the AIMS Center at the University of Washington will be training 3,500 psychiatrists in the clinical and leadership skills needed to support primary care practices that are implementing integrated behavioral health programs. Once psychiatrists are trained, APA will work to connect them with local Practice Transformation Networks participating in TCPI.

***Free training is available to psychiatrists through online modules***

CME credit is also offered. Content is similar for both training sessions so you may choose to participate in one or the other based on your learning preferences and availability.      

Online Modules - Click here to get started! There are two parts to the training containing seven modules in all. It is recommended that participants complete both parts 1 and 2.

In-Person Offerings – Click here for regional and conference Integrated Care Training options.

Stay up-to-date on TCPI and APA's Support and Alignment Network at If you have questions, contact

Rhode Island Webinar: May 12, 2017

Register Here

After your request has been approved, you will receive instructions for joining the meeting.

Succeeding In A World Of Integrated Care: Options For Behavioral Health Provider Organizations

Succeeding In A World Of Integrated Care: Options For Behavioral Health Provider Organizations

Within the health services landscape, integration has become a key concept and driver of both service delivery and management of consumer care. The challenge for the behavioral health service provider organization is where determining where you fit into this new landscape and developing strategies for short- and long-term success. This free four-week course will assist you and other leaders behavioral health care to develop strategies and tactics necessary for success in this changing environment. Each week includes a one-hour recorded executive briefing on the topic developed by OPEN MINDS and live discussion session with a case study presentation lead by selected industry leaders.  The faculty for the course are  Monica E. Oss, Chief Executive Officer, & George Braunstein, Senior Associate, OPEN MINDS.  All course attendees will receive access to related OPEN MINDS resources on integrated care.  

To access the recordings for the four-part Integrated Care series (originally presented in April 2015), visit the Open Minds website.  Complete the brief, online Account Information form.  This link only supports access to the four presentations addressing Medical-Behavioral integration that were presented in April.

Texas STAR Kids Web-based Training and In-Person Community Engagement Events

As part of our commitment to supporting you in delivering quality services to your patients who are UnitedHealthcare Community Plan members, we invite you to take advantage of online training and upcoming community engagement events to learn more about our programs and to help prepare you to welcome STAR Kids, beginning Nov. 1, 2016.

STAR Kids Training Flyer

STAR Kids Training Presentation

STAR Kids Training Flyer for Harris, Hildago, Jefferson, Central MRSA and Northeast MRSA

TRICARE: Free CEUs for Healthcare Professionals

TRICARE: Free CEUs for Healthcare Professionals

Recently, Rand Corporation published its 2014 Survey Ready to Serve: Community-Based Provider Capacity to Deliver Culturally Competent, Quality Mental Health Care to Veterans and Their Families. This survey was sponsored in part by the United Health Foundation and stated in part the following:

“Addressing the mental health needs of military service members, veterans, and their families is a national priority and the focus of many efforts at the federal, state, and local levels.1 Over the past decade, several studies have documented the extent of the need for mental health treatment among this population, and billions of dollars have been invested to expand the capacity of the systems designed to support veterans and their families at multiple levels and across sectors. …Based on our findings, it is reasonable to expect that increasing training in and incentivizing providers’ use of such techniques will begin to facilitate the delivery of high-quality care to veterans and their families. Improving the mental health of service members, veterans, and their families will require that the providers who treat them adopt and routinely use appropriate and effective approaches for addressing their conditions.”

In the spring of 2014, UnitedHealthcare Military and Veterans (UHC M&V), in collaboration with the TRICARE Regional Office-West, created a web page that serves as a single source for a variety of resources that support provider practice. These include links to the Defense Centers of Excellence (DCoE) which provides webinar courses twice a month on Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and related conditions. Providers will also find access to the National Intrepid Center of Excellence (NICoE) with articles on evidence-based practice (EBP) for integrated Medical/Behavioral care along with links to VA/DoD Practice Guidelines. Also located on this site, we provide access to mobile applications from the Center for Technology and Telehealth (T2) that can be used to support patient care, and also we have selected Condition Support articles from our Live and Work Well site that provide information and tools to enhance patient services and patient information.

In response to this Rand study, UHC M&V has now added links to a new series of web training that has been created by the Department of Veterans Affairs in cooperation with the Department of Defense (DoD) and presented by The Center for Deployment Psychology. There are four modules of the Military Culture: Core Competencies for Healthcare Professionals course that are listed below and have a total of 8 free CEU’s available.

Module 1: Self-Assessment and Introduction to Military Ethos - In this first module, you will be given the opportunity to reflect on your own beliefs and potential biases that might impact your work with Service members, Veterans, and family members. A conceptual framework for military culture will be introduced as the first step in increasing your knowledge about military ethos and its impact on psychological health and treatment. (2 hours)

Module 2: Military Organization and Roles - In this second module, the focus will be on the more visible or surface aspects of the military culture that can be observed “above the waterline”. You will gain an understanding of how some of the more material or tangible elements of the military such as its organizational structure, contracts, occupational roles, and customs function to reinforce military ethos and culture. In other words, while many of these visible aspects persist because of tradition, they all serve as visible manifestations of the underlying ethos. (2 hours)

Module 3: Stressors and Resources - This module focuses on the most common stressors in military culture and their impact on Service members and Veterans. You will learn about common stressors across different contexts and populations, stressors associated with the military deployment cycle from both a Service member and family member perspective, the most common reactions related to military life stressors, and some of the military support systems and services that have been developed in an attempt to offset stressors. (2 hours)

Module 4: Treatment, Resources, and Tools - This fourth module will focus on integrating what you’ve already learned about military culture into your assessment and treatment of health problems impacting Service members and Veterans. You’ll be given tools for assessing the impact of military culture on the health and well-being of your patients. You’ll be directed towards guidelines that incorporate elements of military culture for some of the health-related conditions that are most common in military populations. Finally, you’ll be given a self-assessment tool for military culture competence, and a checklist that incorporates the cultural vital signs you’ve seen throughout this course. (2 hours)

These courses are free and can be done online and at your pace when it is convenient for you. Please visit the Center for Deployment Psychology page on the TRICARE website.